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The anabolic steroid family tree
The anabolic steroid family tree is a framework that simplifies how different steroids impact muscle building and performance. This article attempts to expand on some of the specific principles and principles of steroid design that underpin one form and three methods within that steroid family. One such area is the usage and effects of the anabolic androgenic steroids – the testosterone and the follicle stimulating hormone – which are often considered primary causes of male hypertrophy and strength, buy legal anabolic steroids uk.
The Anabolic Steroid Family Tree
Many people incorrectly believe that testosterone, but not the anabolic steroid, testosterone propionate, is the most effective anabolic steroid to use, since it has the greatest acute anabolic effects. In fact, no specific steroid or supplement has been designed to effectively deliver testosterone, so it is not clear how effective the anabolic steroids are for the primary purposes for which anabolic steroids are used.
Sustained release oral testosterone propionate (TPR) can have very similar effects to that of androsterone – anabolic steroids are a great way to help you build muscle, increase water retention, muscle strength and reduce fat mass in response to strength training, buy legal steroids in canada, In fact, testosterone has an even greater impact on your body than the more commonly used anabolic steroid – anabolic steroids do more to increase your body’s natural testosterone levels than you can ever get from diet or exercise alone.
There are a few other powerful compounds within the anabolic steroid family that many people still use. The most commonly used drugs are anabolic steroids like androstenedione (androstenediol) and cyproterone acetate (CPAA).
However, it is a bit of an illusion that these are the best choices for muscle building. When you increase your testosterone levels with anabolic steroids, your testosterone levels also increase in all of the other areas in your body, which can ultimately result in your strength.
Cyproterone acetate (CPAA) can reduce body fat but is primarily used in the management of acne. In fact, studies have shown that CPAA therapy is much more effective at preventing acne than any other acne medication, buy legal steroids canada. Cyproterone acetate is best used for those who wish to avoid topical and/or topical steroids, buy legal anabolic steroids.
The Anabolic Steroid Methodology
The use and administration of the anabolic steroids is an essential part of getting results from your efforts to build muscle, the anabolic steroid family tree. There is a lot of different strategies, some of which may require more time than others to perfect.
For the first 10 weeks you take 500mg of testosterone enanthate weekly combined with 400mg of Nandrolone Decanoate weekly. After 10 weeks I would add 400mg of testosterone enanthate before the week end and take 500mg of Nandrolone Decanoate before the week end. I start with 500mg of Nandrolone Decanoate daily. Week 11 or so after you start you can decrease to 800mg of testosterone enanthate. So your total testosterone is reduced to 1000mg. That is the most drastic reduction as far as taking the same daily dose for 10 weeks and it was a huge bonus with the new weight loss. On the day you go up to 1000mg, you have to add 400mg of testosterone enanthate. I had no problem taking this and that alone to stay lean like I was.
What other things might have affected your fat loss?
All the fat loss I gained was the result of the steroids. Everything was coming on pretty fast once people started taking the steroids. When I first started I used the steroids with zero regard. I tried to make up for all the fat lost through cardio and cardio work but it made it hard.
Do you take thyroid meds to help your body manage its metabolism? Do you avoid them completely?
I take T3, and I take thyroid meds as a long term replacement for T3. I do not think I am on a thyroid med and I do not think I will need this medication. I have noticed an improvement in my metabolism with the steroids and I think this is important to point out to readers. It isn’t always easy to achieve great results with steroid use but after a few months I started seeing some major results. My metabolism improved tremendously. My T3 went up from 500 to 2,000. It was also my body has started to heal up from the steroids and I’ve started seeing some visible changes.
Do you take any other supplements?
I used to take HGH (Human Growth Hormone) just for the energy to run and move around all the time. When I got into steroids I went back to this for energy and also my sexual performance. This was more for the sexual side with my partner than for my own.
How does the HGH help you gain that lean muscle mass?
My HGH is also an anti-catabolism supplement and I had a huge reduction with the use of the HGH. I went from a body mass index of 44 to 26 after 6-8 months and I really think it is a much better supplement to be taking
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